Review Management

Get More Reviews and More!

Reviews are a massive part of the sales puzzle. Think of your buying behaviors. Do you normally buy something new when it doesn’t have any reviews? Do you try a new restaurant without reading a single review or having a personal recommendation from someone you know? Reviews are social proof that others have tried something new and found it pleasing, helpful, and worth the cost.

Companies know that they not only need more reviews but that they need to figure out how to keep them flowing consistently.

We got you covered.

Increase Current Reviews

This is where we start: helping you increase your reviews. We’re going to help you grow reviews not only on Google and Facebook (or any other platform that your customers are looking at your business) but in your own website. Reviews on your website are just as important for lead conversion and SEO.

Help You Consistently Bring New Reviews In

We’ll build out the processes that you’ll use in your regular workflows to bring in new reviews with each customer that you serve. This will be a combination of your website (or a landing page tool), email marketing, and behavior marketing to nudge the customers you just served to leave reviews.

Watch for Bad Reviews

Our Review Management tool will watch specific platform pages for review activity and notify everyone when a new review is posted. We’ll train you how to reply to the good ones and the occasional bad ones. We’ll also work on helping you connect with the frustrated customer and address their needs so that we can learn from your customers and make overall improvements.

Learn From Customers

Beyond making business improvements learned from bad reviews, reviews can teach us so much about how customers talk about your solutions, how they describe your business, and how they speak about their pain points. It’s like your customers are just handing you SEO keywords. We’re going to work with you to analyze your reviews and find better ways to describe the awesome things that you do.

Help You Further Engage Your Customers

We believe that reviews aren’t one-way feedback but an opportunity to engage your recent customer, discover how the recent transaction went, and if there’s something more that they need. Reviews are an opportunity to ensure that you meet their needs and possibly discover new solutions. Imagine engaging your customers and doing a little R&D at the same time! We’ll help you put in place the workflows to ensure better customer service and future business.