Coming Soon Website for Performance VW Magazine

The new owners of Performance VW Magazine reached out to CWT Websites last week and asked if we could build them a coming soon website to be live for the L’oe Show that happened here in town. Sure, that means we only had three days for the website to be live but… hey, we’re professionals!

Since we had built the L’oe Show website, we had access to a lot of great images of VWs as well as a structure already built that we could work with. We went straight to work putting together a first look for the our clients and building out the eCommerce system that would allow attendees to subscribe. Our clients were happy with the website and things went live.

Over the weekend, they had 50+ subscriptions and counting.

Next up, we’ll be building the full-version of the website with ways that interested readers can take a sneak peak as well as subscribe to the magazine. We’ll throw some sneak peaks in the future. Stay tuned!


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